Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Last Time

Dear Ric, 

Today marks one year of the very last time I saw you. You came over with dad to bring me some Sprite and goodies because I was getting sick and having a hard day. We talked, we laughed, you had a new sense of hope in your eyes. We had spent the last couple months together working on my house together. We had many discussions and arguments but way more laughs. I was looking forward for you moving in with us so I could spend even more time with one of my best friends. It had been a pretty intense year for me and you were always there to provide support and love. You had a rough year yourself as well but you were finally getting life back together for yourself. I was so proud. I'm convinced that mom decided that since you were on a up she convinced heaven that you needed to come. I'm sure you got a good whoopin' but also a great big hug from her.

 Ric, I'm so glad that you started saying I love you to me so many years ago. Because of that I have the best, tender last memory with you. As you were walking down my stairs that day, you looked up at me and said, I love you IsaBelle. I replied back with I love too Ric! I'll see you Monday! You looked back with that classic Ric smile and went downstairs. That was the last time I saw you. I will always cherish that memory. And even though you totally stood me up on so many plans we had made and it took me months to accomplish those things without you, I still love you. I still cry from missing you (...jerk) but when I am missing you, I always feel you here. I can still hear your voice and feel your love. I feel comfort of where you're at and feel peace knowing the fact that this life is just a small piece of what lies ahead. I am so grateful that you are my family and that I believe that after this life, families are together forever! And I can't wait to get to the other side to rub it in your face that I was right and you were wrong. As usual!

Also don't worry, I'm holding down the fort at being the best. Although saying I'm the best doesn't give me the same satisfaction as it used to because no one else contests me anymore. 

Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know that I'm doing good. I miss and think of you often. I just wanted to check in and say, I love you Ric! I look forward to the day I can hear your voice and get one of your signature Ric bear hugs again.

Love, IsaBelle